Dunster is a charming and picturesque village that is full of history, character, and beauty. The village is full of unique and captivating photography subjects that are sure to inspire and delight photographers of all levels.

Whether you’re an experienced photographer or just starting out, Dunster offers a wealth of opportunities for creativity and exploration. From the grand and imposing architecture of Dunster Castle and St Georges Church to the rustic charm of Dunster Working Watermill and the quaint and colourful storefronts along the High Street, the village is full of unique and inspiring subjects that are just waiting to be captured on camera.

In this blog post we will explore the top photography spots in Dunster Village and provide tips on how to capture stunning photos yourself. Whether you’re looking to capture majestic architecture or the quaint charm of the village’s winding streets, Dunster has something for everyone. So grab your camera and let’s get started!

Dunster Castle

Dunster Castle: A Photographer’s Paradise

Perched atop a hill overlooking the village, Dunster Castle is a must-see attraction for any visitor to Dunster Village. With its stunning gardens, the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and impressive architecture, it’s no wonder that Dunster Castle is such a favourite subject for photographers.

When photographing Dunster Castle, it’s important to take your time and explore the Castle Grounds. Dunster castle gardens offer a wealth of opportunities for capturing beautiful shots, from the colourful flowers to the tranquil ponds and fountains. The castle itself is a stunning subject, with its imposing stone walls and turrets providing a dramatic backdrop for your photos.

To capture the castle’s full beauty, consider visiting during different seasons to capture the castle in different contexts – the bright colours of spring, the lush greenery of summer, the foliage in autumn, or the frosty conditions during the winter.

No matter what your photography style or preferences, Dunster Castle is sure to inspire and captivate you. So grab your camera and start exploring this beautiful and historic site!

dunster yarn market

Dunster Yarn Market: A Quaint and Iconic Photography Subject

Located in the heart of Dunster’s bustling High Street, the Yarn Market is a historic 17th-century building that has become an iconic subject for photographers. With its distinctive octagonal shape and charming thatched slate roof, the Yarn Market offers a wealth of opportunities for capturing unique and captivating shots. When photographing the Yarn Market, it’s important to take advantage of its distinctive features. The octagonal shape of the building, for example, provides an interesting geometric subject, while the thatched roof offers a rustic touch. You might also consider playing with angles and perspectives – shooting from below, for example, to create a sense of height and drama, or from above to capture the intricate patterns of the thatch. For a truly unique perspective on the Yarn Market, consider visiting at different times of day. Early morning or late afternoon light can cast the building in a warm and inviting glow, while shooting at night can create a moody and atmospheric shot. You might also consider visiting during different seasons to capture the changing colors and moods of the village too.
The Priory Church of St George in Dunster

The Priory Church of St. George: A Historic and Photogenic Landmark

Located at the top of West Street in Dunster, The Priory Church of St. George is a historic and stunning landmark that has been a favourite subject for photographers for generations. With its distinctive architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and tranquil churchyard, St. George’s Church offers a range of opportunities for capturing unique and evocative shots.

When photographing St. George’s Church, it’s important to take advantage of its distinctive features. The church’s striking tower, for example, provides an interesting and imposing subject, while the intricate details of the stonework offer opportunities for close-up shots. The beautiful stained glass windows, meanwhile, provide a colourful and ethereal subject that can be particularly striking when captured against the soft light of a sunrise or sunset.

The churchyard surrounding St. George’s Church also offers opportunities for capturing beautiful shots. From the rustic stone walls to the vibrant flora and fauna, the churchyard provides a tranquil and serene backdrop for photography. Consider experimenting with different lenses and settings to capture the movement and light of the churchyard, or focus on individual details such as the intricate gravestones or the dappled light filtering through the trees.

Just be sure to be respectful of the religious nature of the space and avoid disturbing any services or ceremonies that may be taking place.

Dunster High Street

The High Street: Capturing the Charm and Character of Dunster

No visit to Dunster would be complete without a stroll down its quaint and picturesque High Street. Lined with centuries-old buildings and quaint shops, this charming street offers a wealth of opportunities for photographers looking to capture the character and essence of the village.

When photographing the High Street, it’s important to capture its distinctive features. The architecture of the buildings is a key aspect of the street’s charm, with their unique styles and decorative elements providing plenty of subject matter. Consider playing with angles and perspectives to capture the intricate details of the buildings, or shoot from a distance to capture the full expanse of the street.

Another key feature of the High Street is its vibrant and colorful storefronts. From the traditional pubs to the restaurants and tea shops, the street is full of quaint and quirky shops that make for great photographic subjects. Be sure to experiment with different lighting and compositions to capture the inviting and charming nature of these shops.

The High Street is also a great place to capture the energy and bustle of village life. From the locals going about their daily business to the tourists exploring the sights, the street is always full of activity and movement. Consider experimenting with different shutter speeds to capture the motion and energy of the street.

Dunster Working WaterMill

Dunster Working Watermill: A Fascinating and Historic Subject

One of the most interesting and unique subjects for photographers visiting Dunster is the Dunster Working Watermill. Built in the 18th century, this historic mill offers a fascinating glimpse into the past and a unique and picturesque subject for photography. When photographing the Dunster Working Watermill, it’s important to capture its distinctive features. The building itself is a unique and intriguing subject, with its rustic and weathered exterior providing plenty of character and texture. Another key feature of the Dunster Working Watermill is its fascinating machinery and equipment. From the giant wooden waterwheel to the intricate gears and pulleys, the mill is full of fascinating and intricate details that make for great photographic subjects. Be sure to experiment with different lighting and compositions to capture the complexity and beauty of these machines. The Dunster Working Watermill is also a great place to capture the power and beauty of nature. The mill is situated on the banks of a tranquil stream, surrounded by lush greenery and towering trees. Be sure to experiment with different lenses and settings to capture the movement and light of the stream, or focus on individual details such as the reflections on the water’s surface.

Dunster Beach: A Serene and Scenic Photography Destination

If you’re looking for a tranquil and scenic photography destination in Dunster, look no further than Dunster Beach. Nestled along the coast and surrounded by rugged cliffs and picturesque coves, this beautiful beach offers a wealth of opportunities for photographers looking to capture the beauty and serenity of nature.

When photographing Dunster Beach, it’s important to capture its unique features. The coastline that surround the beach provide a striking backdrop for photographs, with their weathered and textured surfaces providing plenty of character and interest. Consider experimenting with different angles and perspectives to capture the full expanse of the coast, or zoom in on individual details such as the rocks and plant life that cling to their surfaces.

Another key feature of Dunster Beach is the tranquil and peaceful nature of The Hawn. This is often relatively quiet and uncrowded, offering a peaceful and calming atmosphere that is perfect for capturing the beauty of nature. Consider experimenting with different lighting and compositions to capture the subtle nuances of the beach’s atmosphere, or focus on individual subjects such as the waves or the seagulls that frequent the area.

Dunster Beach is also a great place to capture the interplay between light and water. From the shimmering reflections on the water’s surface to the soft, diffused light that often illuminates the beach, the beach offers a wealth of opportunities for photographers looking to capture the beauty of light and water. Consider experimenting with different lenses and settings to capture the subtle nuances of this interplay, or focus on individual details such as the patterns in the sand or the bubbles in the surf.

West Somerset Railway Dunster Station

Exploring the Best Photography Spots in Dunster

When photographing Dunster Village, it’s important to take your time and explore the village at your own pace. Be sure to experiment with different angles, perspectives, and lighting, and don’t be afraid to let your creativity run wild. Whether you’re drawn to the grand and majestic or the small and subtle, Dunster has something for everyone, including Dunster Railway Station part of the West Somerset Railway.

Exploring the best photography spots in Dunster is a wonderful and rewarding experience that is not to be missed. So pack your camera, take your time, and immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of this enchanting village – you’re sure to come away with some stunning and unforgettable shots!